on sale at Wal-Mart.
The parents of many gay children beg to differ.
One mother, one father, both persons of faith, come to Good Shepherd
this Sunday at 9:45 am to describe their own spiritual journeys when
each of them came to realize they had a gay child.
As the Episcopal church begins to fashion a liturgy for the blessing
of same gender relationships, it is important to listen with respect
to the life experience of parents who are Christian and whose children
come to understand that they were gay.
Christian evangelicals argue that being gay is a "lifestyle".
But many faithful Christians whose children are gay know a different
and deeper truth: their children did not choose to become gay--they
discovered that they were gay. And that discovery was often painful.
Come listen to the parents of gay children and then begin to decide
for yourself whether being gay is a choice or a discovery.
In peace and faith,