work, work and prayer. His followers were so impressed by his practice
they asked him to teach them how to pray. What we now call the Lord's
prayer was his simplified response.
But we know that Jesus prayed for hours, not minutes, at a time. And
it seems likely that when he prayed at length, he did so by a practice
that is now known as "Centering Prayer."
Centering prayer is a method of resting in God. It provides a way to
help us open ourselves to God and to allow God into our souls. The
practice of Centering Prayer is ancient and can be traced back in
Christian literature as early as Isaac and the Desert fathers in the
3d and 4th centuries.
This is the season of Lent. Lent is a time of preparation that
traditionally involves prayer. This Sunday at 9:45, June Goforth and
Rick Carter will teach us how to rest in God, using Centering Prayer.
Why not come? You might find that you deepen your relationship with
God. And isnt what this journey is really all about?
May we all come to know what it is to rest in the Spirit,
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