Sunday, December 18, 2011

A Check for $10,000

Last week I wrote a personal check for $10,000 payable to the Organ
Fund at the Church of the Good Shepherd.

I have never written a larger check in my life, unless you count
tuition payments for Sarah and Andrew when they were in college and I
was in seminary and that is such a financially painful memory I would
rather not go there.

I had hoped to write the check to the church in a leisurely and
reflective moment. Instead I scribbled it out in haste just before
racing out the door to make an unexpected visit to the hospital.

And yet, once again I discovered the power and the pleasure of giving.
Throughout the day and indeed ever since, that check has given me
intense satisfaction. I have been able to make a contribution to the
welfare and well being of the people of Good Shepherd for years to
come. I savor that thought and taste it every day.

Don't get me wrong. I could have used the money in countless other
ways. Through the vagaries of family history I have come to own a 116
year old house on an island in northern Lake Huron. I love it. Its
been in the family since 1921. Four generations of my family have
lived, squabbled, loved, worked and played there. Each summer when I
walk in the front door I see my grandparents, my parents, my brother
Mike, all dead now, yet still present in the very wood and furniture
that hasn't been changed significantly since, oh, 1928. I sometimes
think I care for that house more than life itself. And, yes, $10,000
would do a lot to keep the old place going.

I am also finding that at this stage in life, my personal savings are
well, personal. Hard to acquire, harder to replenish.

Yet writing a check to the church for the largest gift of my life is
perhaps the finest, most lasting pleasure I have ever known.

Who knows? Maybe Jesus was right.

I rather suspect he was.

Joyously yours,


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Building for a Strong Future at Good Shepherd

For over fifty years, Good Shepherd has been a caring community that cares for real people in real places in real ways.

During the past five years, Good Shepherd has been growing. Quietly, sometimes fitfully, but nevertheless steadily, our community has grown, even as our founding generation has died.

As a caring community we have grown in depth as well as breadth. In our own distinctive way we care for each other and for the world: for our kids in their education as young followers of Christ; our teenagers as they take their faith into the world in Central America and South Dakota and Harlan, Kentucky; for our spiritual development as adults in EFM and at Good Shepherd and the World; for our growth in the Holy Habits of tithing, prayer, study and Sabbath time; for our compassionate care for our members through Stephen Ministry and Eucharistic Visitors, Martha’s Kitchen and the Men’s Club; for the hungry who need food and get it from Fish, for the homeless who need shelter and get it through Family Promise, and for public school teachers who simply need friendly supporters. Good Shepherd cares.

Now the time has come for us to care about our own home and to build strongly for our own future as a worshipping congregation.

During the past six months the vestry has studied the real needs of a beautiful church that was built in the 1950’s. We love our home but as one vestry member said, its an old house. Our church now needs the loving care we have always shown to others.

During the year ahead, we will give our church the care it needs and deserves. That care will take many forms, from building new supports to protect our wonderful stained glass windows, to making the altar accessible for those who prefer not to use stairs, to insuring that when its hot we stay cool and when its cold we stay warm, to finding and repairing the persistent leak in the entrance way and parish hall and oh yes, repaving the parking lot. These and other tasks are important for the future of the church.

But the single most important investment we can make in the future of Good Shepherd is to invest in a high quality organ.

Churches grow because they have great music, great teaching and great preaching.

Although Christian worship will always honor silence as a means to approach God, for nearly two thousand years, great worship has been led by great music.

Because of the configuration of our A frame interior, installing a pipe organ, new or historic, in our present space has turned out to be difficult and perhaps impossible. But we can acquire, install and enjoy a high quality electronic organ to lead our worship now and well into our future.

Recently an informal group of vestry members and friends of music have listened to electronic organs in Knoxville and Atlanta. They have recommended that we buy an Allen Q 350 organ. The Q 350 has acoustic qualities that even Jim Rogers admires. Jim says that it has a remarkable sound and Jim is a demanding musician.

You can read about the Allen Q 350 either in the literature available in the church or online by clicking here. But the bottom line is that it costs $70,000 and if we order by Christmas we can probably have it installed by Easter. While $70,000 may sound like a lot, even a small pipe organ would cost twice that amount, not including annual maintenance.

I believe so strongly that acquiring a high quality organ is a critical investment in the future of Good Shepherd that I have pledged $10,000 from my personal savings to help buy it. [this is in addition to my personal pledge of $10,000 for the year 2012 as a tenth of my anticipated total income and benefits before taxes] I am not alone. Others have now pledged an additional $30,000. With a current total of nearly $40,000 we are over half way there.

If you too wish to help take a strong step into the future of the church, the vestry invites you to make your own contribution—in any amount—to the purchase of the new organ. You may make a contribution in any way and over any period of time that makes sense to you. After all, we are in this for the next fifty years.

With peace and blessings at Advent,


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Want to Help Give Good Shepherd a REAL Christmas Present?

Our electronic organ is twenty years old and badly needs to be replaced.

We have found the right new organ. Its an Allen Q350 50 Stop Three

Manual Console electric. 

Cost installed at Good Shepherd: $70,000.

 Judy Burnette, Jerry Vail, Nancy Harless, Jim Rogers and I traveled to Atlanta recently so that we could listen and Jim could test and play the Q350.   Jim can describe the technical aspects.  For now its enough to say that Judy, Jerry, Nancy and I agreed its a great instrument with a wonderful sound. Jim tells us that it will sound 50% better installed and tuned.  During the year ahead we will be taking a number of other important steps to renew the parish for the next fifty years. There is no doubt that we will have to find prudent and timely ways to address the real life challenges of an aging building and a parking lot that needs resurfacing.  Nevertheless, I know of no other single project more important to the future of Good Shepherd than the purchase and installation of a high quality instrument to help lead us in worship.  I was so impressed by the instrument-- and the importance of proceeding as quickly as possible while the price is still in effect--that I told the group I would contribute $10,000 to the purchase price, in addition to my annual pledge of $10,000 for 2012. I am taking the money out of my personal savings and will pay it to Good Shepherd later this month. I had not planned to make such a contribution but I am doing so because I know this is an important investment in our future as a community of worship and faith.

 I hope others will join me. In fact several others have already done so.   We now have $34,250 in pledged support. That leaves $35,750 to go.  If we can raise the money before   Christmas, it would be a wonderful Christmas present to the entire parish. And we could have a wonderful new organ in time for Easter. 

 We have glimpsed the promised land.  

With thanksgiving for your presence at Good Shepherd and for your support of the work of God in this special place.  


If you would like to know more about the Q350, here is the link: