Sometimes you just need someone to listen.
In the middle of the challenges of life—and we all have challenges in life—it can help to have someone with us who listens and who cares.
Whether you are male or female, young or old, the opportunity to talk to someone who will listen to you with sympathy and insight is a great gift.
That is particularly true if the person doing the listening doesn't try to fix you or fix your problem.
Christianity is not a spectator sport. Christianity invites us into action for the welfare of one another.
That is why the vestry of Good Shepherd has decided to adopt Stephen Ministry as a model for Christian service to each other.
For seven days and three nights, from Sunday, January 9 to Saturday January 15, five members of Good Shepherd--- Lani Hubbard, Jo Wallace, Janice Wade, Susan Sgarlat and Charles Fels--- attended a 50 hour training course in Stephen Ministry. The experience was intense. We returned ready to begin a training program later this year for those among us who are called to become Stephen Ministers.
Stephen Ministers are women and men from Good Shepherd who are trained to be fully present for others.
Stephen Ministers don't fix problems. Many of life's problems aren't really "fixable" anyway.
Instead, Stephen Ministers listen, mirror back what they hear and help reflect upon life's challenges. And they pray, out loud, for the well being of the person they visit.
Stephen Ministry is nothing more and nothing less than one on one Christian caring.
The standards for serving as a Stephen Minister are deliberately high: those who feel called to become Stephen Ministers are asked to complete a written application, participate in a personal interview and agree to a background check. They then participate
in 50 hours of training spread out over four to six months.
After that, the new Stephen Ministers will spend a minimum of 9 hours each month in active ministry, inside or outside the parish. Each Stephen Minister agrees to serve for a two year period.
Stephen Ministry is new to Good Shepherd but not new to the rest of the world. The program was begun 35 years ago by a Lutheran pastor in St Louis and has now spread to 150 denominations and 10,000 congregations. Over half a million women and men have trained to become Stephen Ministers.
The ministry of caring is everyone's responsibility. We eagerly await those who feel called to serve others as Stephen Ministers and we ask for the prayers of all members of the parish as we begin this new and exciting opportunity to serve God in the world around us.
Yours in Christ,
Lani Hubbard, Jo Wallace, Janice Wade, Susan Sgarlat and Charles Fels
Stephen Ministry Leaders at Good Shepherd
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